sunset park
of sunnyvale
Homeowners Association

125 Connemara Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Clubhouse Rental Forms

The notice below is required by law to be attached to certain governing documents. As a precaution, we ask you to read it before downloading any form.


If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal fair housing laws and is void, and may be removed pursuant to Section 12956.1 of the Government Code. Lawful restrictions under state and federal law on the age occupants in senior housing or housing for older persons shall not be construed as restrictions based on familial status.

Effective January 1, 2006, above notice also includes sexual orientation and source of income. Whenever we receive legal advice as to how to amend the above notice, we will do so.

We have 2 different forms in pdf format for renting the clubhouse.

Both forms have 2 pages. Please print both pages of the appropriate form.

A resident owner needs to sign his/her form once on the first page and once on the second page.

A renter needs to sign his/her form once on the first page and once on the second page. A renter also needs to get his/her landlord to sign once on the first page.


Last modified: Mon December 11, 2005
Copyright © 2004-2005, Sunset Park of Sunnyvale Homeowners Association.
All rights reserved.