sunset park
of sunnyvale
Homeowners Association
We love trees at Sunset Park
125 Connemara Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

How to Communicate With Us

Check the Latest Newsletter

The newsletter always has the following information on the first (and usually only) page:
- Name, address, and phone number of the Association Manager
- List of directors and officers
- Schedule of next Open Forum and Board Meeting
- Whom to call for clubhouse reservations

Emergencies, Routine Matters, General Questions

For most emergencies, routine matters, and general questions, call the phone number of the Association Manager. The Customer Service Department will directly answer your call. The staff in the Customer Service Department is equipped to handle these matters. If for any reason, the person who answers your call is unable to help you, he/she will either transfer you to your Association Manager or obtain the necessary information for the Manager to return your call. Your cooperation in working with the Customer Service Department helps the Manager to devote more time in serving the Association in other ways.

If you have questions about your assessment or statement, please give the name of your Association and ask for the Accounts Receivable Department.

If you call after hours, a voice mail system allows you to leave a message for Customer Service and provides you with an emergency number to call if there is an emergency that requires immediate attention.

Written Requests

The Board of Directors encourage homeowners to put requests in writing and to forward them to the Association Manager. Any correspondence sent to the Manager is copied and given to each member of the Board the weekend prior to the Board of Directors meeting. This procedure allows the Board members to consider your request more thoroughly and, if necessary, to view your issue during the day and prior to their meeting.

Please send your correspondence to the Manager at least one week prior to the meeting for inclusion in the Board packet for that meeting.

Open Forum

At the beginning of each regular Board Meeting, the Board of Directors set aside approximately 30 minutes (from 7:00 to 7:30 PM) for homeowners to address the Board. Due to the Board needing to manage the business affairs of the Association, homeowners are permitted to only address the Board during "Open Forum". Board meetings are held to conduct specific Association business and address agenda items requested by members. The best way to communicate with the Board is in writing (as noted above). Even if you do feel a need to address the Board, it is still a good idea to send a written message ahead of time so that the Directors will have a better understanding of your issue.

Clubhouse Rental

Clubhouse reservations are handled by resident volunteers. The name and phone number of the person to call is published each month in the newsletter.

Clubhouse Bulletin Board

Inside the glass case next to the clubhouse entrance is the most current approved Board of Directors meeting minutes and a notice of the landscape application schedule.

Please Do Not Give Instructions to the Hired Hands

Residents should not instruct contractors or landscapers working at Sunset Park on how to perform their jobs. Also please do not ask them for favors. Proper channels need to be followed to keep everyone out of trouble. If you have a concern or a need that you would like addressed by a contractor working for the Association, please contact the Association management company. The Association manager will make arrangements to deal with legitimate requests. Workers are instructed not to respond to directions by residents to minimize confusion for all.

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Last modified: Thu Apr 18 23:30:37 Pacific Daylight Time 2002
© 1999-2002, Sunset Park of Sunnyvale Homeowners Association. All rights reserved.