sunset park
of sunnyvale
Homeowners Association
Sunset Park Home Page
125 Connemara Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94087


The undersigned, owner of Unit ___________, submits this application in accordance with Article VII of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions.

I agree to accept full responsibility and liability for any damage to the building or for any subsequent damage to the interiors as a result of installation and future maintenance thereof.

Permissible colors of frames:

  1. White

The visual appearance of the glass surface must be uninterrupted. The exception to this rule is windows and patio doors on the ground floor that are behind a 6 foot fence. Also, a rectangular grid of the same color as the frame that is between the 2 pieces of glass of thermopane windows and doors is permitted.

I agree that the work will be done in accord with all city codes and, if required, that I will obtain the necessary permits.

______________________________ __________________________________________
 Please print name

A copy of this document along with the approval letter should stay with your CC&R's and other real estate documents, and it should be passed on to a future buyer.

Form adopted by Board of Directors, 6/01/2010