sunset park
of sunnyvale
Homeowners Association
Sunset Park Home Page
125 Connemara Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94087


The undersigned, owner of Unit ___________, submits this application for installation of an air conditioning unit in accordance with Article VII of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. Included with this application are drawings describing how the air conditioner will be installed. I agree to accept full responsibility and liability for any damage, leakage, or interior subsequent damage as a result of the installation of the air conditioner, alteration or addition, and future maintenance thereof.

I agree that the work will be done in accord with all city codes and, if required, that I will obtain the necessary permits.

______________________________ __________________________________________
 Please print name

A copy of this document along with the approval letter should stay with your CC&R's and other real estate documents, and it should be passed on to a future buyer.

Form adopted by Board of Directors, 3/16/99