sunset park
of sunnyvale
Homeowners Association

125 Connemara Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Sunset Park Landscaping Rules

  1. Owners may plant their own small shrubs and plants alongside their buildings and fences. Such shrubs and plants must be kept within 24 inches of the buildings or fences and may not grow beyond the 24-inch boundary. The owners must properly maintain the plants and shrubs that they plant. No plants may grow on the walls of the buildings or the sides of the fences. If an area becomes overgrown or unsightly as determined by the Board, the Association may assume the maintenance of the area.

  2. Owners may delineate the areas of their plantings that are alongside their buildings and fences by using borders made of redwood or pressure-treated douglas fir. Such borders must be within 24 inches of the buildings or fences and must also be installed at grade level. Such delineation may make necessary alterations to the irrigation system to maintain proper coverage of existing common area lawns and plantings; such alterations will be done by the Association with the expense billed to the homeowner.

  3. The Board of Directors reserves the right to direct homeowners to prune or remove any trees, shrubs, or plants within their lots in order to avoid damage to property or additional expense to the Association. If the homeowner fails to perform such pruning or removal, the Board will have the landscape contractor perform the work and will bill the homeowner for the cost of the work. Homeowners are responsible for damage to buildings, fences, sidewalks, underground pipes, and other property caused by trees, shrubs, or plants on their lots.

  4. The Board maintains sole authority and responsibility for landscaping in the common area. (Please do not trim or remove common area trees or shrubs, unless you have been given previous approval.)

October 18, 1993